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[163] Children interviewed by Human Rights Watch self-identified as being a certain age and their stated ages were borne out by their physical appearance.

After liming, the hides undergo fleshing, either manually or in a fleshing machine, a process which strips the remaining flesh and fat from the hide. De-liming then removes the lime from the hides, often by ammonium sulfate or ammonium chloride as well as sodium metabisulfite. Bating, to soften the leather, uses a protein-digesting enzyme. Pickling then prepares the hide for tanning, often using salt, sulfuric acid, and formic acid.

The designers worked with a Ferrari restorer to achieve a colour that appears to be black at first glance, then becomes deep blue with a metallic fleck as you approach.

In an interview with Human Rights Watch, a Department of Environment official admitted that enforcement of environmental laws could effectively minimize tannery pollution.

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Electrical solder will stick to the braze material, so if you create a spot of braze on the aluminum you can then solder your wire to it. You can also sand the brazed area to clean it up before soldering.

The population could be even better if flounder spawning success wasn’t tied to weather. Cooler winters result in a more prolific flounder spawn. Mild winters combined with added fishing pressure somewhat stifled the population surge. But stocks remain strong.

Government officials responsible for ensuring employers protect worker health and safety, as well as environmental monitoring and enforcement, admitted to Human Rights Watch that they do not uphold Bangladesh’s laws with respect to the tanneries in Hazaribagh.[44]

[238]The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is the U.N. body responsible for monitoring compliance with the ICESCR. UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No. 14: The right to the highest attainable standard of health, UN Doc. E/C.12/2000/4, adopted August 11, 2000,para. 15.

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2. A Department of Environment report titled Survey and Mapping of Environmental Pollution from Industries in Greater Dhaka and Preparation of Strategies for its Mitigation (September 2008) shows that water quality samples taken from two locations in Hazaribagh were far in excess of permitted levels. Did the Ministry of Environment and Forests take any further action on the basis of this data, including any enforcement action against any Hazaribagh tanneries?

In recent two decades, there have been a lot of efforts invested in research of magnetic anisotropy of high spin first-row transition metal mononuclear complexes1. The research interest was accentuated by the ability of such complexes to serve as good models of local magnetic behavior on centers in polynuclear complexes, which were subject of magneto-chemical interest initially. This was due to the phenomenon of a slow-relaxation of magnetization (SRM) which allows individual complex molecules to behave as molecular nanomagnets, so called single –molecule magnets (SMMs) and this was discovered on polynuclear species firstly2. The main characteristic of SMMs is that they retain their magnetic moment (magnetic dipole orientation) even after the removal of external magnetic field. Such behavior can be observed due to an existence of energy barrier acting against thermally induced spin reversal and the height of energy barrier is defined as U = |D|(S2 – 1/4), where S is the half-integer spin of the metal center ground state and D is the axial parameter of zero-field splitting (ZFS), while the negative value of D parameter assures generation of the aforementioned barrier. Nevertheless, it must be noted that SMMs with the positive value of D parameter accompanied by large rhombic anisotropy (E) were reported previously3. Furthermore, when a quantum tunneling between the MS and M−S states is too fast the small external field can suppress this process and SRM can be observed by using AC susceptometry measurements in non-zero static magnetic field and this kind of compounds is named as field-induced single-molecule magnets. The magnetic anisotropy research has become increasingly important when novel class of mononuclear SMMs (so called single-ion magnets, further abbreviated as SIMs) emerged. First reports dates back to 2003 when Ishikawa and coworkers reported on first Dy and Tb phthalocyanine double-decker complexes exhibiting SRM4. The first evidence of the first-row transition metal mononuclear complex exhibiting SRM was reported in 2010 on a trigonal pyramidal complex of Fe(II) by Long and coworkers5. The discovery of the first Co(II) SIM followed next year, in 2011, T. Jurca et al. reported on SRM in pentacoordinate mononuclear Co(II) compounds with isothiocyanido and bis(imino)pyridine pincer ligands6. Further reports on Co(II) SIMs aim dominantly on low-coordinate species, such as tridentate7, tetracoordinate8, pentacoordinate9, but also hexacoordinate SIM complexes were reported10. The relatively frequent occurrence of the SIM phenomenon in Co(II) compounds motivated us to study magnetic anisotropy of tetracoordinate Co(II) compounds. These are synthetically easily available and usually sufficiently air-stable and therefore, such compounds are appropriate candidates for extensive and advanced studies.

I am not sure about the numbers on this, but even more, the LEDs on low power strips like this are in plastic casings anyway. It is true that the LED might heat, but it is terrible at transferring the heat to anything including the strip anyway. So air cooling is still the most important.

The second question is with respect to certain restatements that we see, particularly with respect to aluminum cost. So in Q4, if you look at it, your aluminum costs around $1,770 or something, but now it has been restated upwards. Similarly, the power generation at BALCO, that is also significantly up actually. So if you can explain these numbers.

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