The structure and composition of the interface formed on an Al electrode in an AlCl3-IL electrolyte (TAl electrode) were interrogated using attenuated total reflection–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Compared with pure Al, the surface of TAl is enriched with organic functional groups (Fig. 1A). In addition to the presence of C=N and C–H groups that are also abundant in the pristine IL electrolyte, a large enhancement in the C=C functional group and emergence of species containing the C=O group are detected on TAl. These observations are accompanied by the appearance of a stable film on the TAl surface. In addition, infrared vibration modes associated with the imidazolium ring (1100 to 600 cm−1) in the IL (21) largely disappear upon treatment, which indicates that the IL electrolyte is chemically transformed at the Al interface (Fig. 1A). XPS analysis of the pristine Al and TAl provides additional insights into the surface chemical features of TAl. Results in Fig. 1B, for example, show that even after polishing, Al2O3 still dominates the surface chemistry of the pristine Al. In contrast, the Al2p XPS spectra of TAl substrate reveal that a composite with higher binding energy, which can be attributed to an Al salt, likely AlCl3, dominates. This is confirmed by the Cl2p XPS spectra, because the binding energy of Cl2p located at about 199 eV is consistent with a valence of −1 (Fig. 1C). The N1s XPS spectra also show that the interface of the TAl is enriched in nitrogen-containing species. The sharp peak at 401 eV can be used to unequivocally identify the presence of imidazole ions (Fig. 1D). Compared with a pristine polished Al surface (Fig. 1E), the surface topography of TAl is obviously smoother (Fig. 1F). From the cross-section view imaged by SEM, an interfacial layer is observed on the Al substrate. EDX analysis of the layer shows that it is rich in the elements Al, Cl, and N (Fig. 1G and fig. S1).
What if I told you that there is a 1200cc motorcycle that costs less than Rs 10 lakh, has the punch for your weekend hooliganism and during the weekdays, it can take you to work too? Well, I have been riding the Triumph Speed Twin for the past few days and I believe, that this is exactly that motorcycle. Let me explain why.
Dowling & Yahnke Llc increased its stake in Nvidia Corp (NVDA) by 53.19% based on its latest 2019Q1 regulatory filing with the SEC. Dowling & Yahnke Llc bought 1,766 shares as the company’s stock declined 6.51% . The institutional investor held 5,086 shares of the semiconductors company at the end of 2019Q1, valued at $913,000, up from 3,320 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Dowling & Yahnke Llc who had been investing in Nvidia Corp for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $92.71B market cap company. The stock decreased 0.08% or $0.12 during the last trading session, reaching $152.23. About 3.03M shares traded. NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) has declined 30.89% since August 7, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 30.89% the S&P500. Some Historical NVDA News: 08/03/2018 – Tech Radar: Nvidia Turing release date, news, and rumors; 28/03/2018 – NVIDIA CORP – COLLABORATION WILL OPTIMIZE ADOBE SENSEI FOR NVIDIA GPUS; 29/03/2018 – DDN Storage Announces Groundbreaking 33GB/s Performance to NVIDIA DGX Servers to Accelerate Machine Learning and AI Initiatives; 27/03/2018 – Nvidia suspends self-driving tests across the globe after the fatal crash involving an Uber self-driving vehicle; 27/03/2018 – U.S. opens probe into fatal Tesla crash, fire in California; 30/05/2018 – Supermicro Shows Industry’s First Scale-Up Al and Machine Learning Systems based on the Latest Generation CPUs and NVIDIA Tesla V100 with NVLink GPUs for Superior Performance and Density; 10/05/2018 – Nvidia 1Q Adj EPS $2.05; 07/05/2018 – Bank of America says buy Nvidia because of leadership in gaming business; 28/03/2018 – Adobe and NVIDIA Announce Partnership to Deliver New Al Services for Creativity and Digital Experiences; 27/03/2018 – GTC 2018: Liqid and Inspur to Offer Composable GPU-Centric Rack-Scale Solution Powered by NVIDIA Graphics Processing Technology
These are typically Zinc/Aluminium alloys, and because of the low melting point (so low that it is actually soldering not brazing) there are very low migration worries. However since most of this is done with a propane torch there is a huge heat affected zone which severely anneals the aluminum turning it into “bubblegum” as a machinist may describe it. But to be fair welding does the same thing just in a more controlled area; when something must meet engineering calcs you would typically make the welds and then have the assembly heat treaded to regain it’s initial hardness and strength; trying this with aluminium solder would result in the assembly melting down I the oven and the heat treater would never take another job from you.
—Mahmood Hasan Khan, director of air quality management, Department of Environment, Dhaka, June 7, 2012[43]
Mutational analysis of the TBEV E protein suggests that the difference in the abilities of the two vaccines to induce cross-neutralizing antibody responses is a direct consequence of a single N52K amino acid substitution in the E protein of the K23 vaccine strain (14) that does not occur in the wild-type K23 strain or the Nd vaccine strain or in any other known naturally occurring TBEVs. We analyzed the E protein sequences of >250 published TBEV isolates (data not shown) and found that they all contained small, uncharged amino acids, such as asparagine (found in the Nd strain and the majority of other wild-type isolates), serine, or glycine, at position 52. In contrast, the lysine in position 52 of the K23 vaccine strain E protein is a large, positively charged amino acid residue that modeling predicted to protrude from the virus surface, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The reduced ability of the K23 vaccine strain to induce cross-neutralizing antibodies might thus be explained by the enhanced accessibility of the lysine residue compared to that seen with amino acids present in naturally occurring TBE viruses, such that neutralizing antibody induction is strongly skewed toward the N52K substitution in the E protein of the vaccine strain virus. This interpretation is supported by the observation that sera of individuals immunized with Encepur Children had significantly higher neutralizing antibody titers against both the K23 vaccine strain hybrid and the Nd N52K mutant hybrid (Fig. 3A), while sera of those immunized with FSME-Immun Junior showed no statistically significant differences in the antibody responses to any of the panel of hybrid viruses (Fig. 3B). The critical importance of this amino acid substitution at position 52 is further confirmed by the demonstration that the introduction of a K52N mutation into the K23 vaccine strain hybrid resulted in a significant drop in the neutralizing antibody titers of sera of individuals immunized with Encepur Children (Fig. 4A), while sera of those immunized with FSME-Immun Junior again showed no statistically significant differences in the antibody responses to any of the tested hybrid viruses (Fig. 4B).
You’re right, Arun. I mean as far as the per-barrel operating cost is there, it’s pretty stable. It moves up and down based on whatever cash [call] we recover. So the variation is only on that account.
After a few high-speed runs, it becomes clear why hitting even the 200mph (322km/h) mark is plenty. The exhausted Yokohamas smell like an F1 grid just after the red lights have gone out, and they’re hot enough to fry bugs before getting a chance to squash them. Give it stick and the Bullit will instantly ricochet, fishtail, squeal and be a general nuisance to all the good guys on the road.
The new rules were sweeping, affecting both commercial fisherman and recreational anglers. A prelude to these measures was a somewhat successful effort to reduce the inadvertent threat bay shrimping poses to the flounder population.
The shares, accounting for a 1.7 percent stake in the world’s largest palladium producer, were bought predominantly by British-based investors, with Russian investors also buying a third of the shares, Dmitry Bolyasnikov, executive director of equity capital markets at VTB Capital, said on Wednesday.
Fact: stiffer carbon is more brittle. So it’s great for stiffness (on the sides of the downtube) but bad for impact loads (for example around the headtube).
Balish, in his mid-20s, works as a chemical technician for several tanneries. He showed Human Rights Watch a scar on his forearm from where he said that “bangla acid” (a common name in Hazaribagh for sulfuric acid) had fallen and burned his skin two years ago. He described how the tanneries he works with do not provide adequate protective equipment; like other workers Human Rights Watch talked to, he considered that “there’s nothing I can do, I have to work.” Balish said:
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